
30.11.2022 - Projects
Fibre optic network to Ylikiiminki - Kairan Kuitu trusts products by Nestor Cables

Kairan Kuitu is building an optical fibre network in Ylikiiminki. The fibre optic network makes poss...

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13.10.2022 - Projects
Koillisnet's fibre optic network brings fast internet connections to Kuusamo and Kemijärvi

Koillisnet built fibre optic network in the Kuusamo area during summer 2022. Koillisnet Oy is a new ...

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27.09.2022 - Projects
KTVO brings optical fibre to southern and western Lapland in Finland

KTVO (Kaakamon tietoverkko-osuuskunta / Kaakamo Data Network Cooperative) has been building an ELY-s...

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