We asked our customers how we succeeded in the summer of 2022

Tue Nov 15 08:31:00 2022

In recent years, we have conducted customer satisfaction surveys to measure our customers' opinions of our operations. Our busiest time is always the summer season, so after the summer we have wanted to inquire with a separate survey about how we succeeded that particular summer. This year, the season survey was conducted in September, and in this blog post we will tell you about its results. A similar survey was carried out last year after the summer season. 

The survey was conducted separately for domestic and export customers, and the questions emphasized that they ask about satisfaction in the period April-August 2022. Each question has a rating scale of 0-10, where 0 is the worst and 10 the best possible rating.

Domestic survey  

Domestic respondents to the survey mainly gave grades 8-9 to the questions that asked about satisfaction with the service and how quickly and easily you could contact us. When asked about deliveries, the grades were weighted between 8-10, but we also got grades 5-7. Also in the comments, a few respondents mentioned problems with delivery times. Delivery times are clearly something we should pay more attention to.

Domestic survey and NPS 

The NPS = Net Promoter Score is the most widely used measure of customer loyalty internationally. It measures a customer’s willingness to recommend and satisfaction with a single question.

The NPS number can vary between -100 and +100. -100 when all respondents are slanderers and +100 when all respondents are referrers. It is generally thought that a positive NPS number is good and over 50 is already excellent.

In last year's survey, the score was 72 and this year's was 62, which means that although the result was still excellent, it had decreased slightly. 

Export survey  

In the export survey, the respondents mainly gave grades 9-10 to the questions asking about satisfaction with the service and how quickly and easily you could contact us. Last year, the grades were mainly between 8-10. When we asked about satisfaction with deliveries, the answers were mainly between 7 and 10. Last year, by far the most popular grade was 9. 

Export survey and NPS 

In last year's survey, the grade was 50 and this year it was 85, which means the grade was better than before.

We would like to thank all our customers who participated in the survey! The results of the survey help us to notice possible problem areas and improve our operations.