Customer satisfaction survey 2021

Thu Jun 03 12:38:00 2021

In April of this year, we conducted a customer satisfaction survey in which we surveyed our customers' opinions about our operations. Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey! 

This was the second time we conducted a customer satisfaction survey on this scale. We plan to conduct a survey every year so that we can monitor the development of customer opinions in the long term and how our actions have affected them. After the summer season of 2021, we also plan to conduct a survey of those customers who have ordered products from us during April-August: with this shorter survey, we want to map our success during our main sales season.

Customer satisfaction surveys were conducted online and surveys for domestic and export customers were conducted separately. In 2020 and 2021, approximately the same number of customers responded to the survey. In the survey, respondents were asked to rate our success on a scale of 0-10, with 0 being the worst grade and 10 the best.


In both 2020 and 2020, domestic survey respondents were very satisfied with our service. The majority of respondents gave us a rating of 8-10. Respondents strongly believed that Nestor Cables’ contact people were easy to reach. Our delivery time and the correct content of the deliveries also received good marks.


According to Finnish survey respondents our products and their quality meet their needs well. Our customer support, attachment and information were mainly rated 8-9.

Export customers 

Our export customers also rated our operations, such as customer service, product range, product quality, documentation and instructions, highly (8-10). The only question that received more varied ratings was the one about delivery times. Our delivery times were rated mainly as highly as other aspects of our operations but they also received some lower ratings.

Thanks again to everyone who responded to our survey!